Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fresh applications....

Sent out a few more in the last 2 days, including one for a sales position I never would have considered, but found somehow strangely attractive yesterday...

Also contacted a life science recruiting firm to try to make an appointment to meet with one of their recruiters so they can get to know me personally.

Also signed up with another recruiting agency that I found out hires for a big pharma in the region.

Will anything actually work out? Probably not, but at least I did more than sit on my butt. I really hope the recruiting firm is willing to set up a meeting with me. Maybe they can shine some light on the black hole that has become my job search in this place.

A side note - reading lots of blog posts these days through google reader, but therefore not often commenting. Thanks to everyone who still pops in here every once in a while and gives me their encouragement. It helps!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

quick check in

Been sick, nasty stuff (nothing too serious, and improving daily), also been very lazy.

FINALLY re-did my CV (again!), modeled after a former co-worker (we finished our PhDs in the same building about a year apart, her a year AFTER me) who just got her first pharma-related job (sales manager)... It's now much closer to my academic CV, much more detailed (and hopefully not too crowded with excess info to be attractive?!). I feel like it better represents me to future employers, but I'm not so sure if they're going to like this version of "me". Then again, they obviously didn't like the more recent versions of "me" either since I haven't had a job interview since last Fall and NONE in NewCountry. So... it's a gamble. Meh, at least I feel like I tried something different.

My new cover letters are also more detailed, and tell more about ME and my past rather than generic future employee they are looking for. We'll see

I sent out 4 (I think?!) different sets of applications today.