Monday, March 2, 2009

Applications are out!

OK, I did it. I sent my postdoc applications. At least the geographically-similar location ones... there's another group or two or three in another area that I've decided to hold off on for a few weeks, since I know from a contact in the *key* lab that the PI is away at meetings right now. But the others are out. Phew! Now I just have to wait....


  1. Good luck! Waiting is hard. I hope that it goes by quickly.

  2. Heard back from two so far... one thumbs up (yeah!) and one thumbs down (just hired 2 new postdocs so has no room). At least I know they read my email and didn't just hit *delete*

  3. Congrats on the submissions AND the thumbs up! How many did you send?

  4. Hi Albatross... I sent 6 on Monday. There are another 2 or 3 to send out in another week or so.
